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The holy Shrine Mazar sharif of Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Meher Ali Al Quadri widely known as Aala Huzur in Midnapore .... His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Abu Mohiuddin Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani popularly known as Huzur Ghausul Azam Piran-e-Pir Dastegir: Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam was born in the district of Jeelan in Iraq on 1st Ramzan in 470 A.H.(1077-1078 A.D).He was the direct descendent of Syedona Hazrat Imam Hasan (A.S.)from his father’s side and the direct descendent of Syedona Imam Hussain(A.S.)from his mother’s side.He was therefore Hasani as well as Husaini syed .His father’s name was Syedona Hazrat Syed Abu Saleh Musa Jangi Dost and his mother’s name was Syedotana Hazrat Syeda Ummul Khair Fatima Sani. Both of them were direct descendents of the holy prophet. As he was born in the month of Ramzan he would suck his mother’s milk only at night and not in day time.In his childhood he never played with other children.Whenever such a thought crossed his mind, he would hear a voice telling him that he was not born for playing. At this he became frightened and ran back to take shelter in his mother’s lap.He was sent to school at the age of five and by his extraordinary qualities of head and heart he learnt a great deal in the course of five years. At the age of seventeen he decided to go to Baghdad which at that time had been the seat of learning. On his arrival at Baghdad Hazrat Ghaus e Azam received further education from learned ulemas of that time. He remained in Baghdad for seven years and surpassed his contemporaries in learning. In order to give a true and complete account of Hazrat Ghaus e Azam’s life it is necessary to give a short account of his spiritual education,which besides being an inborn quality of his,was greatly polished and increased by his contact with the saints of his time.

The humble writer of this paper will fail in his duty if he does not mention briefly some of the noble qualities of Hazrat Ghaus-e-Azam which had been the inheritance of the family from the holy prophet himself. Truthfulness,humility,generosity and deep erudition were special features of Hazrat Ghaus-e- Azam.It has been rightly said that he is the saint of all saints. Hazrat Ghaus –e-Azam is not among us physically,but spiritually he is always with us directing and helping those who seek help from God. One day Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam was delivering Khutba and most of the Shaikhs were among the audience. In course of the sermon Hazrt Ghaus ul Azam under the Divine command declared, ‘’My foot is on the neck of all walis” On hearing this Shaikh Ali bin Hiti and others who were present proceeded to the platform and placed Hazrat’s foot upon their necks. The walis all over the world heard the declaration spiritually and they bent their necks simultaneously and acknowledged his superiority and leadership.Sultanul Hind Syedona Hazrat Khawja Moinuddin Chisti Ajmiri was at that time busy with his Ebadat at the mountain of “Khurasan”.When he heard the declaration of Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam.he loudly said “Bal Aala Rasi O Aini” (But Ghausul Azam’s feet are on my head and eyes). On hearing this Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam replied Khawja Moinuddin showed me such a respect,one day he will be the Sultan ul Hind (King of India).

Hazra Ghausul Azam was once passing by a market place.There he found a Christian and a muslim arguing about the greatness and virtues of their individual prophets.The Christian said ,that it was the miracle of his prophet Jesus Christ to bring the dead to life.The muslim got silent after hearig this reply. He was in a dire dilemma and did not know what to do.In this midst Hazrat Ghausul Azam came forward and said to the Christian that what to speak of the holy prophet Hazrat Mohammad (Peace be upon him),even the humble dependents like him-Abdul Quader Jeelani could bring the dead to life.The Christian challenged the Hazrat. Hazrat accepted the challenge. Hazrat asked the Christian to give the dead of his own choice to be brought back to life.The Christian took Hazrat to a graveyard and pointed out an ancient grave to him. Hazrat proceeded a little. and pronounced “Qum be izni” a result of which the dead man in the grave got back life and came out of the grave singing and clapping as he happened to be a singer and musician in his life time.The musician having seen Hazrat by the side of his grave embraced Islam and the Chrisian too was not slow in adopting the religion of Islam, a great apostle and pillar of which was Hazrat Ghausul Azam Shaikh Abdul Quader Jeelani.

During the early period of Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam i.e. end of the 5th century and the beginning of the 6th century was one of the darkest period s in the history of Islam. Motazela and other sects had sprung up,and were doing all kinds of harm to Islam which had practically lost its pristine beauty,and its followers had become indifferent to their duties and responsibilities as true muslims a sad state of affairs,which required immediate attention.One night the holy prophet appeared to him in dream and commanded him to take up the work of reform--- to rouse up the muslims from their slumber to infuse a new life in the community.

The dream worked a tremendous revolution in him.Hazrat Ghausul Azam begin his missionary work.History knows it well how great was his success,how the erring and sinful started coming to the right path.The method of his teaching was wonderfully effective.Very often more than eighty thousand men attended the meetings which were held thrice a week,and in each of these meetings hundreds of men belonging to other faiths would embrace Islam.

Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam graced this world with his earthly abode for 91 years .Through out his life he helped the needy ,relieved the sufferer and succoured the complainant. His Vesal Shrif (Union with God) took place on 11th Rabius Sani 561 A.H

His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Zakir Ali Al-Quadri widely known as Hazrat Ghaus-E-Sani

Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Zakir Ali Al Quadri was the direct descendent of His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Abdur Razzaq Al-Quadri who was the second son of Syedona Hazrat Ghaus ul Azam. Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Zakir Ali Al Qadri also known as Ghaus-E-Sani proceeded to Bengal in 1180 Hijri corresponding to 1765 A.D. on account of the instructions he had received in spiritual plane from his great ancestor Syedana Hazrat Ghaus- ul- Azam. It is said that he resembled Huzur Ghaus-ul-Azam in every way and was called the second Ghaus-ul-Azam .He was asked to propagate and propound this Quadri Order in Bengal. When Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Zakir Ali Al Quadri reached Bengal, he settled in Mangalkote in the district of Burdwan. The saint was accompanied by his revered father His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Shykh Abdul Qadir Abdllah-Al-Jili, one brother of Hazrat Ghaus-E-Sani namely His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Raushan Ali Al-Quadri widely known as “Wilayat Panah” and three nephew His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Tofail Ali Al Quadri widely known as “ Qutbe Rabbani,” Syedena Hazrat Syed Shah Ghulam Hussain Al Quadri and Syedena Hazrat Syed Shah Rajab Ali Al Quadri. Soon after Hazrat Ghaus E Sani settled in Mangalkote ,his father Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Abdullah Al-Jili Al-Quadri went to Mecca Sharif and Madina Sharif to perform Haj and from where he returned to Baghdad Sharif. Syedena Hazrat Syed Shah Raushan Ali Al-Quadri also proceeded to Purnia in Bihar to preach the Quaderia order and Syedena Hazrat Syed Shah Zakir Ali Al Quadri remained with his nephew and son in law Hazrat Syedena Syed Shah Tufail Ali Al Quadri in Bengal, Syedena Hazrat Syed Shah Zakir Ali Al Qadri passed away on 6th Zilhijja in the year 1192 Hijri. His Mazar Sharif (holy tomb) is situated in Mangalkot, Burdwan. Grace flows from it abundantly . .His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Zakir Ali Al Quadri is commonly known as "Shahensha-e-Mangalkote" or the King of Mangalkote since he rules over the hearts of people . After his death his nephew and son in law Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Tofail Ali Al Quadri became his Sajjada Nashin and successoer. Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Tofail Ali Al Quadri left this mortal world on 22nd Zilqada .His Mazar Sharif is situated beside the Mazar Sharif of his Pir - O-Murshed and uncle Syedena Hazrat Syed Shah Zakir Ali Al Quadri at Mangalko in the district of Burdwan West Bengal.

His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Meher Ali Al-Quadri widely known as “Aala Huzur”

His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Meher Ali Al-Quadri widely known as Aala Huzur was an illustrious descendant of Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam.(Peace and blessings of God be on him). He was born on 6th Rabiul Awal 1223 Hijri corresponding to 11th April 1808 A,D. at Khankah Sharif Mian Mahalla Midnapore. Aala Huzur was the son of His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Tufail Ali Al-Quadri widely known as “Qutbe Rabbani” who came direct from Baghdad, Iraq on 1180 A,H and was one of the most venerated saints of Islam. As a born wali from the childhood Aala Huzur was put to the path of mortification and devotion.He passed most of his time in pursuit of learning,observance of religious rites and performance of spiritual exercises. He was an extraordinary man of versatile genius and had God gifted talents. In no time he acquired mastery over the commentaries of the holy Quran ,the traditions of the Holy Prophet, the principles of Islamic laws and all sorts of religious and esoteric sciences. He was a great scholar and accomplished poet.His complete mastery over the Arabic and Persian languages ,his depth of erudition and his accomplishment in the divergent aspects of Islam are borne by his excellent works. His simple words,easy style,flight of imagination,description of mystic affairs and expression of sufistic views testify his greatness as versatile poet .His fame spread through out India and abroad. He loved people irrespective of caste creed and religion.The people of all religions came to him from remotest places to seek his blessings. None went disappointed.After vesal sharif (Union with God) of his revered father, Aala Huzur sat for a long time at his holy father’s Mazar Sharif at Mangalkot Burdwan in deep meditation and profound contemplation.When this stage was achieved, he proceeded towards Midnapore. At the outskirt of Midnapore in the lonely forest inhabited by ravenous beasts and brutist animals Aala Huzur sat in deep meditation of the preserver of the world, the Almighty God.At the darkness of night in the lonely forest his voice would echo with the recitation of the name of God.Indeed ,It was his spiritual power which would keep the wild animals at a far off distance from him.Devoid of food and sleep he passed his days in meditations.

Initially he was unwilling to marry.But One day Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam instructed him to marry and as such he married a lady of the descendent of Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Isa al Rizwi al Husaini of Pyardanga,Midnapore who was the great saint and direct descendent of the holy prophet. Although married and intangled with social duties Aala Huzur continued his spiritual exercises of austerity and mortification. He underwent many Gorchillas (40 days residence and fasting in a cave like the shape of a grave). For years together he kept fast (excluding forbidden days) when he would take only a banana in the evening as his main diet.

Aala Huzur was an august saint nourished by the spiritual nutriment so he cared little for food. He was “ Qutbul Aqtab” of his time. His miracles are innumerable. Aala Huzur graced this world with his earthly abode for sixty years.Throuhout his life he helped the needy,relieved the sufferers and succoured the complaints irrespective of caste, creed,colour and religion. His vesal sharif (Union with God ) took place At Khankah Sharif Mian Mohalla Midnapoe on 16th Moharram 1285 Hijri corresponding to 1808A.D. leaving behind three sons who were all august saints and venerated sufis.

Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Murshed Ali Al-Quadri widely known as “Huzur Purnoor” and “Mowla Pak” was the eldest son and Sajjada Nashin of Syedona Aala Huzur Pak.

His second son was Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Ali Murshed Al-Quadri
His youngest son was Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Wali Murshed Al-Quadri.

Even today the Urs Sharif of Hazrat Syedona Aala Huzur is celebrated with great pomp and grandeur at Khankah Sharif,Midnapore,District Paschim Medinipore,West Bengal,India on 6th Falgun B.S.(19th February) and at Darbar Sharif, Kolkata on 16th Muharram of Lunar month every year under the guidance of his great grandson Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri. People from the remotest distance congregate the ceremony to acquire spiritual grace.

With the spiritual grace that flowed from the earthly abode of Hazrat Aala Huzur people irrespective of caste,creed and religion were benifitted.Still he is alive because the wali of God never dies and and still with his spiritual grace,favour and help man and woman,rich and poor,noble and plebeians are benifitted.

In Syedona Aala Huzur we find an eminent sufi mystic,a pious devout,an accomplished scholar,an excellent poet,a great moralist,a practical councillor and above all the gratest ,the best and the noblest saint of his time.