
His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Murshed Ali Al-Quadri widely known as Huzur Purnoor & Mowla Pak

Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Ali Abdul Quader Shamsul Quadir also known as Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Murshed Ali Al Quadri was born in the town of Midnapore on the night of 27th Ramzan ul Mubarak 1268 Hijri corresponding to 16th July 1852 A.D. Hazrat was born at the famous khankah Sharif e Hosainia Quaderia of Pyardanga,in the distrct of Paschim Medinipore. Syedona Huzur Purnoor was a born wali.He was the Sajjadanashin of his illustrious father SyedonaHazrat Syed Shah Meher Ali Al Quadri. Huzur Purnoor was an outstanding scholar, an eminent linguist and a great sufi poet.His poetic names were “Aasi” and “ Jamal”. Huzoor Mowla Pak was a great lover of books and was extremely well versed in religious sciences and had a complete command over Arabic,Persian and Urdu languages and literature with eloquence in Persian style of writing and elocution.He wrote poems based on sufi principle and thoughts.His poetic compilation known as "Diwaan-e-Hazrat-e-Jamal" bears eulogies dedicated to our holy Prophet (Peace be upon.him) and to Syedona Hazrat Ghaus-ul-Azam(R.A.)

Huzur Purnoor led a simple and pious life devoted to religion and public service.He illuminated the hearts of millions and brought relief to countless suffereing human souls.He was greatly respected and loved by leaders of other religions.Sufis and saints of all orders bowed down their heads before him in obedience and considered him their chief. He is considered to be a zinda wali. Throughout his life Huzur Purnoor carried out superhuman reazat,austerity and mortification.He observed fast on all days of the year except those days on which fasting is prohibited.He annihilated his nafs and reached the state of “Fana Fillah” quite early in his life .

The sad demise (vesal sharif) of this great wali occurred on 27th of Shawwal 1901 A.D in Calcutta.His mortal remains were enshrined in a beautiful mazar sharif in the family graveyard of the Hazrat in Midnapore.There he lies besides his father and mother in eternal rest.Grace flows endlessly from his holy shrine.Pilgrims throng there in an endless steam and none is disappointed in his or her objective.

His Holiness Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri widely known as Qutbe Bangala and Bara Huzur at a glance

His Holiness Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri is the greatest saint of his time.He is widely known as “Qutbe Bangala”(Saint of Bengal) and “Bara Huzur”. Qutbe Bangala is the 34th direct descendent of Syedona Rahmatullil Alemin prophet Syedona Hazrat Ahmad -E- Mujtaba Mohammad -E -Mustafa (Peace be upon him) and 21st direct descendent of Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam the greatest saint of Islam.He is therefore Hasani as well as Husaini Syed.In the history of sufism in Bengal a very few examples of such outstanding heritage can be found.

Syedona Syed Shah Mohiuddin Haroon al Rashid Al-Quadri was the only son of Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Wali Murshed Al-Quadri. And Syedona Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri was the only son and Sajjada Nashin of Syedona Syed Shah Mohiuddin Haroon al Rashid Al-Quadri.

The revered forefathers of Bara Huzur had come in India from Baghdad Sharif of Iraq in the year 1180A.H. corresponding to 1765 A.D. and settled in different parts of Bengal. All of them were saints of exalted rank Qutbe Bangala was the only son of Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Mohiuddin Haroon –ur-Rashid Al-Quadri,a great saint of his time.He was the only son of the renowned saint Qutbe Zamana Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Wali Murshed Al-Quadri,who is the youngest son of Syedona Maulana Hazrat Syed Shah Meher Ali Al-Quadri widely known as Aala Huzur the greatest saint of his time.

Hazrat Qutbe Bangala lost his father in his teens.At this hour of crisis his uncle Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Abdul Wahab Al-Quadri Al-Husaini Al-Hasani a great and famous wali of his time and the Sajjada Nashin of Khankah Sharif Quadria Husainia,Piardanga Midnapore,and and nephew and great khalifa of Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Murshed Ali Al-Quadri and grat grandson of Syedona Hazrat syed Shah Meher ali Al-Quadri widely known as Aala Huzur took over the entire responsibilities of Hazrat Qutbe Bangala. Bara Huzur completed his higher education from world famous Madrasah Aliah Kolkata.He had the authority and mastery over the several branches of Islamiyat e.g.Quran Sharif ,Tafsir,Hadith Fiqh,Usul etc .Qutbe Bangala succeeded his holy father Syedona Syed Shah Mohiuddin Haroon al Rashid Al-Quadri as his spiritual successor and became the Sajjada Nashin of Khankah Sharif,Midnpore. Qutbe Bangala was also appointed Sajjada Nashin and successor by his uncle Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Abdul Wahab Al-Quadri. As such he was also the Sajjada Nashin of Pyardanga Khankah Shariof, And Mutawalli of Mazar Sharif of Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Isa al Rizwi al Husaini at Pyardanga in the district of Paschim Medinipore.

Bara Huzur Hazrat Al- Quadri was the Sajjada Nashin and Gaddi Nashin of Khankah Sharif Quadria Mehria Midnapore,Darbar Sharif Quadria Kolkata, Khankah Sharif Quadria Husainia Pyardanga Paschim Midnapore. Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri left this mortal world on Friday the 17th September 1993 corresponding to 29th Rabial Awwal 1414 A.H. That day was a day of great grief for the entire Quadria brotherhood of the sub-continent. On this day at the time of Jumma Prayer the saint of Bengal His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Qutbe Bangala passed away from this mortal world for his heavenly abode.Countless followers of the Quadria order were struck with immense grief. People from far and near places,disciples and devotees from all walk of life rushed to Darbar Sharif,Kolkata to pay their last respect to the saint of Bengal Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri. As per the will of Bara Huzur his Sajjada Nashin,Gaddi Nashin and Successor Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri conducted the Namaz e Janaza (Funeral Prayer) of his revered father and Pir-O-Murshed. His Holy body was taken to Midnapore where he rest eternal peace in Khankah Sharif Midnapore.People more than a lakh attended Namaz e Janaza.Blessings flow abundantly from his Mazar Sharif which is situated in the courtyard of Khankah Sharif,Midnapore.

Syedona Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri was the Sajjada Nashin of Khankah Sharif Quaderia,Mehria Midnapore, Darbar Sharif e Quadeia Kolkata and Khankah Sharif Quadeia Husainia Pyardanga.Youngest son of Huzur Qutbe Bangala and the present Pir Sahib Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri is the present Sajjada Nashin of Khankah Sharif Quaderia,Mehria Midnapore, Darbar Sharif e Quadeia Kolkata and Khankah Sharif Quadeia Husainia Pyardanga in place of his revered father.

His Holiness Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed AL-Quadri widely known as Gaddi Nashin Huzur Qibla

In the year 1947 when the people of our country were fighting against tyrant British rulers,the people of Bengal at that time were blessed with the birth of a male baby rather they were enchanted by a “Divine Aroma” .Who is he ?He is mighty son of a mighty father .Thy name is His Holiness Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed AL-Quadri.His father was His Holiness Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri widely known as “Qutbe Bangala” and “Bara Huzur”, His mother was Hazrat Syeda Jariatul Maula alias Hazrat Syeda Kaniz Maula, daughtrer of Qutbul Aqtab His Holiness Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Irshad Ali Al-Quadri,Sajjada Nashin of Khankah Sharif,Taltala, Kolkata.

The holy mother of Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed AL-Quadri used to tell to the female muridans. “ When my youngest son was a child of five months only,his grandfather Qutbul Aqtab Syedona Maulana Hazrat Syed Shah Irshad Ali Al-Quadri one day took him in his lap, kissed him and said. “This child would be a wali and the vicegerent of my second son in law Syed Hazrat Al-Quadri”. His revered maternal grandfather Hazrat Syed Shah Ershad Ali Al-Quadri named him as Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri. The word Zalal means shadow and Zalal Murshed means Shadow of Murshed which indicates that the boy is the shadow of Murshed Pak (Syedona Huzur Ghaus Pak R.A.). By the grace of Almighty , Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri obtained the degree of “ Mumtazul Mohaddethin” and “ Mumtazul Fuqaha” from world famous institution Madrasah Aliah Calcutta.He has acquired proficiency in Hadith Sharif, Tafsir,Fiqh,Arabic Urdu Persian Bengali and English.Thereafter with a view to bringing up the sunnat of Syedona Hazrat Ghous Pak and to spread the acquired knowledge in Hadith and Tafsir he took the profession of teaching of Hadith and Tafsir.He was appointed Shaikul Hadith in Calcutta Madrasah Aliah in 1969 and continued the work of religious teaching for forty two years till the time of retirement from Aliah University in 2011.

His religious teaching was started quite early in life under the direct supervision and guidance of his eminent father and pir –o murdshed Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri.He has successfully crossed the impassable rigid stages of Ruhaniyat,Marefat, Chillakoshi, Ebadat and Reazat.Thus Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri has attained a miraculous success in spiritualism.Hazrat Qutbe Bangala after observing his devoutness, piety and thirst to search for Allah prayed for permission to appoint his youngest son Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri as his Sajjada Nashin Janeshin and Gaddi Nashin .Thus through Morakaba and Moshaheda(Spiritual Penance) he recerived direction from the holy prophet Sultanul Ambia Syedona Hazrat Ahmad –e- Mujtaba Mohammad-e-Mustafa (Peace be upon him)and Syedona Hazrat Ghuasul Azam in this regard. Being directed and instructed by them Huzur Qutbe Bangala appointed his youngest son Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri as his Sajjada nashin, Gaddi Nashin and Successor.Hazrat Qutbe Bangala openly announced this holy decision while addressing the huge gatherings of disciples, devotees and followers during the occasion of Annual Urs Sharif of Syedona Aala Huzur Hazrat Syed Shah Meher Ali Al-Quadri at Khankah Sharif,Midnapore on 6th Falgun corresponding to 19th February.Besides,the Hon’ble Justices the Hon’ble Ministers the Hon’ble Members of Parliament and Legislative Assembly, the high officials and contemporary PIR SAHEBS who off and on pay visit Darbar Sharif also knew and know that Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri has nominated and appointed his youngest son Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri as his Sajjadanashin, Gaddinashin and Janeshin. Thus Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri.made and appointed his youngest son Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri as the Sajjadanashin and Gaddinashin of Khankah Sharif Quadria Mehria Midnapore,Darbar Sharif Quadria Kolkata, Khankah Sharif Quadria Husainia Pyardanga Paschim Midnapore.

Huzur Qutbe Bangala Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri Bara Huzur passed away from this mortal world on Friday the 17th September 1993 corresponding to 29 th Rabiual Awwal 1414 A. H.It is true that Huzur Qutbe Bangala is no more in this world but his apple of eye Sajjadanashin Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri being the successor of his revered father even today is bearing the torch which was lit by his revered fathe. Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri by the grace of Almighty Allah and by the sadqa of Syedona Hazrat Ahmad -e -Mujtaba Mohammad -e- Mustafa (Peace be upon him) and Syedona Hazrat Huzur Ghous Pak (R.A) is still quenching thirsty Bengal with his spiritual faiz,blessings prayers and dua.

Pirzada Dr. Syed Mustafa Murshed Jamal Shah Al-Quadri

Pirzada Dr. Syed Mustafa Murshed Jamal Shah Al-Quadri is the only son of Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri. Pirzada Syed Mustafa Murshed Jamal Shah Al-Quadri was born in Darbar Sharif,22,Mofidul Islam Lane,Kolkata 700014 illuminating the lap of his pious and revered mother Hazrat Syeda Mashkura Murshed Al-Quadri

Hazrat Syedona Qutbe Bangala Bara Huzur was overwhelmed with joy to hear the news as to the birth of his grandson.His joy knew no bound.The little boy immediately became the apple of eye of his grandfather Hazrat Qutbe Bangala. Bara Huzur told to his disciples. This child is the successor of my successor.I have received unblemished pleasure at the birth of this grandson of mine which I enjoy never in my life before”. He was so dear to and so close was his vicinity with his grandfather that his grandfather could not stand separation from him even for a little while. From the very inception of his infancy,his extraordinary talent was revealed.His brilliancy of conception in obtaining religious training in the field of spiritualism has been applauded by the eminent ulemas and scholars.The young sufi proved himself merited in the society of the saints.It was the blessings of his revered grand father that he stood first in the “Alim” examination in West Bengal in 1994 and also he got the first position in the Fazil examination in West Bengal in 1996 and passed the kamil examination in the first division securing the first position in West Bengal in 1998.He also obtained the highest degree of Hadith and Tafsir “Mumtazul Mohaddethin” from world famous institution Aliah MADASAH (Calcutta Madrasah Colllege) and by the grace of Almihty Allah stood first class first position in whole West Bengal. Not only that he also passed the B.A.(HONS) in Arabic from Calcutta University and got first class first position and stood first in the university. Theeafter he passed M.A.examinatin in the subject of Arabic from Calcutta University and and got first class first position and stood first in the Calcutta university and obtained Gold Medal from Calcutta University by the grace of Huzur Ghaus Pak. Pirzada Syed Mustafa Murshed Jamal Shah Al-Quadri completed his doctorate degree and obtained the Ph.D. degree from University of Calcutta. He joined the West Bengal Education Service. At present he is an Assistant Professor in famous college of Kolkata Maulana Azad College (Govt.of West Bengal).His father Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri declared and appointed his only son Syed Mustafa Murshed Jamal Shah Al-Quadri as his Sajjada Nashin,Successor and Vicegerent in the Annual Urs Sharif of Aala Huzur Pak held on 19th February 1994 corresponding to 6th Falgun At Khankah Sharif Quadria,Mehria Midnapore.

Khankah Sharif-E-Quaderia Mehria Midnapore:

Khankah Sharif-E-Quaderia Mehria Midnapore is one of the greatest centres of Quaderia order in India.Primarily it was established by the renowned saint Hazrat Qutbul Waqt Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Diwan Razi Al-Husaini Al-Bukhari widely known as Hazrat Chandan Shahid.Later it became the residence and spiritual head quarter of Aala Huzur Pak. Hazrat Qutbe Bangala Bara Huzur was the Sajjadanashin of Khankah Sharif-E-Quaderia Mehria Midnapore. Khankah Sharif-E-Quaderia Mehria Midnapore was developed during his time.After his demise his youngest son present Pir Sahib of Khankah Sharif-E-Quaderia Mehria Midnapore Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri is the present Sajjada Nashin and Gaddinashin of this khankah sharif Midnapore. As desired and directed by his holy father now it is maintained and conducted by present Sajjada Nashin Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri. The Annual Urs Shaif of Syedona Aala Huzur is being observed from time immemorial till date on 6th and 7th Falgun(19th and 20th February) every year.B y the grace of Almighty Allah and by the Sadqa of Syedona Huzur Ghausul Azam Now a days it is being celebrated by Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri.This year Annual Urs Sharif was celebrated with great pomp and grandeur in which Lacks of people from India and abroad attended the Urs Sharif . Besides, Hon’ble Mr.Jusice Mir Dara Sheko.Judge Calcutta High Court, Hon’ble Mr.Jusice Md Abdul Ghani Judge High Court Calcutta (Retd) and present chairman Board of Auqaf West Bengal, Hon’ble Mr.Rabindra Nath Bhattacharya,Minister-in-Charge Govt.of West Bengal, Hon’ble Mr Sukumar Hansda, Minister-in-Charge Govt.of West Bengal,Hon’ble Mrs Sabitri Mitra, Minister-in-Charge Govt.of West Bengal,Hon’ble Mr.Gias Uddin Molla Minister-in-Charge Govt.of West Bengal, Hon’ble Mr.Idris Ali Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha) also graced the function.

The Mazar Sharif of Qutbe Bangala Bara Huzur and holy consort of Bara Huzur and revered mother of Bara Huzur are situated here from where faiz and blessings ae going on.


Darbar Sharif e Quadria is situated at 22,Mofidul Islam Lane,Kolkata 700014. Darbar sharif e Quadria is one of the most popular centre of Quadria order in India .In the year 1960 Huzur Qutbe Bangala Syedona Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri established it at 22,Mofidul Islam Lane,Kolkata 700014.All the deciples of Qutbe Bangala contributed Nazrana to their heart’s content for the foundation of Darbar Sharif. Qutbe Bangala has written in his wasiyatnama executed in favour of his youngest son and successor Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri that the muridans and disciples have built the Darbar Sharif.He prayed for those who took part in erecting the building of Darbar Sharif.He also built a Tajalli Gah (Praye Hall).All the prayers are conducted here by his Sajjada Nashin and a good number of people come here with a desire to say their prayer behind Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri. All the Urs Sharif are celebrated and conducted under the direct guidance of present Sajjada Nashin of Darbar Sharif Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri.with great pomp and grandeur. Lacks of people irrespective of caste creed and religion come to Darbar Sharif to attend the Urs Sharif and show their regard to the Sajjada Nashin of Darbar Sharif. Hon’ble Governor,Hon’bleChief Minister,Hon’ble Ministers,Hon’ble Judges of Supreme Court of India Hon’ble Judges of Calcutta High Court and other High Courts of India ,M.P.s, M.L.A.s and other higher dignitaries grace almost every functions. On 2nd May 1999 His Excellency Dr.A.R.Kidwai, the then Governor of West Bengal graced the Annual Urs Sharif of Syedona Aala Huzur at Darbar Sharif Kolkata.

Very recently on 20th March 2017, Darbar Sharif, Kolkata otganised a seminar on "Communal Harmony, Peace and National Integration" under the guidance of present Pir Saheb Hajrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri. His Excellency Shri Keshari Nath Tripathi, Hon'ble Governor of West Bengal has very kindly graced and inaugurated the function.

Maternal Grand father of present Sajjada Nashin Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri, Qutbul Aqtab Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Ershad Ali Al-Quadri approved the name of Darbar Sharif near about 60 years ago and prayed for it. Darbar Sharif is open to all.

The following dignitaries had previously graced the Urs Sharif function/Ceremony at Darbar Sharif,22,Mofidil Islam Lane,Kolkata70014

Khankah Sharif Arambagh

The centre of Quadria order in the district of Hooghly is Khankah Sharif Arambagh.Being directed by Qutbe Bangala present Sajjadanashin Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri established this Khankah Sharif in the year 1978.Qutbe Bangala Bara Huzur laid the foundation stone of this Khankah Sharif by his own holy hand. Off and on ,he went there and blessed for all.Now all the Urs Sharifs specially the annual Urs Sharif of Qutbe Bangala is observed here with great pomp and grandeur under the direct supervision of Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri. As Huzur Qutbe Bangala Bara Huzur was the real flag bearer of communal Harmony Peace and Natinal Integration a seminar on “Communal Harmony Peace and National Integration” is also held on the occasion of his Urs Sharif to pay Bara Huzur respect and homage .Thousands of people from different parts of country attend tjhe function. Besides,Hon’ble Ministrers ,Hon’ble Judges of Calcutta High Court Hon’ble M.P.s, M.L.As,I.A.S and I.P.S.officers attend the function.

It is necessary to mention that previously in the year 1999 His Excellency Dr.A.R.Kidwai the then Governor of West Bengal had kindly graced the Urs Sharif at Khankah Sharif Arambagh on 7th April 1999. Last year on 27th December 2015 the Annual Urs Sharif Of Qutbe Bangala was also celebrated under the direct guidance of Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri.

with great pomp and grandeur in which thousands of people from India and abroad attended.Besides, Hon’ble Mr Rachpal Singh,, Minister-in-Charge,Department of Planning Govt.Of West Bengal , Hon’ble Mr.Rabindranath Bhattacharya,Minister-in-Charge,Department of statistics and programme implementation Govt.Of West Bengal,Hon’ble Mr Justice Mir Dara Sheko,Judge High Court Calcutta,Hon’ble Mrs Apurupa Poddar Member of Parliament,Honble Mr.Mahbobur Rahmam Sabhadipati Hooghly and many other dignitaries also graced the function and paid their respect and homage to Huzur Qutbe Bangala Bara Huzur.

Present Pir Saheb Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri pays frequent visits to this khankah sharif with a view to quenching the thirst of of disciples and devootees by his divine power.Considering the importance of Khankah Sharif, the Arambagh Municipality has named the attached road of this Khankah Sharif as “Khankah Sharif Road”.There in the courtyard of the mosque attached to this Khankah Sharif,is situated the mazar Sharif of Qutbe Bangala’s maternal grandfather Hazrat Syed Shah Ehteram Ali Al-Quadri who was the 20th direct descendent of Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam and a wali of exalted rank.

English Rendering of Wasiyatnama (Sajjadanashininama) written in Arabic by Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadr in favour of his Sajjadanashin Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri

All praises are for Allah who led me to this path and I could not follow this path if he did not guide me to it. He has bestowed upon me His Knowledge,benevolence and blessings.All regards are for the last prophet of Allah, Syedona Hazrat Mohammad (Peace be upon him)who made for us the way easy and led us to the path of piety.He enlightened this path in such a manner that both day and night became similar. Greetings are for Ahle Bait ,the members of the prophet’s family about whom the prophet has said that they are like the ark of Hazrat Noah(Peace be upon him).Greetings are also for his companions all of whom are like shinning stars.Follow any one of them and you will find the path of salvation.Greetings are also for his revered dscendent Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam Sultan-ul- Aulia(The king of all saints)

I,Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri Al Hasani Al Husaini Al Jjilani Al Baghdadi of midnapore by birth say that my young pious son Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri, who is the part and parcel of my heart and light of my eyes, is the youngest son of all my issues in age but in knowledge,prudence,devotion and straight forwardness is the best of all and superior to his contemporaries. From his childhood he has been trained in prayer of Allah and has been an obedient pious servant of Allah and ardent devotee of the Prophet. He has confined himself to asceticism and has no concern with anything except Allah.He has given full attention to purification of heart,as it is such a part of body which when is sound,the whole body is sound.He has devoted himself to prayers and religious duties according to the tradition of Quaderia saints and sufis and took so much pains to have fear of Allah in his heart to walk on the path of piety of devotion that his piousness become known to all. He has passed through the different stages of knowledge and Wisdom (Marefat and Suluk)and raised to the high position of guidance.Thus he reached the rank of a wali (Saint)and his heart filled with love of Allah.For this I am indebted to Allah.

When I noticed his devotion,faithfulness and prudence,found him pious in all respects and was hopeful that he would do good, I selected him from among my sons to be my heir(Waris), appointed him my Sajjada Nashin, Successor,Vicegerent and graned him my traditional prayer carpet (Sajjada)according to the command of Allah,permission of the prophet (Peace be upon him)and the consent of Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam.I set him in my place and made him the Sajjadanashin of the Khankah Sharif Quaderi Mehria of Midnapore,Darbar Sharif Quaderia olf Calcutta and Khankah Sharif of Pyardanga of Midnapoe.I gave him permission to take oath of allegiance(Baiyat) according to the tradition of Quaderia Razzaqia, Mehria Murshedia orders and also the three remaining orders of Chistia,Suharwardia and Naqshbandia.I dressed him in luminous robe (Khirqa-e-Noorani).Thus only he is my heir and he alone is fully authorised (Majaz)from me and my successor and Sajjada Nashin and authorised to perform all rites on my behalf.

I announced it in the gatherings of several Annual Urs Sharif and in other conferences before large masses so that all must know that this youngest son of mine is my successor and they must be aware of his qualities of mind and soul and also make them fully aware about imamat (Leadership).It is for this that he must remain among them as a man ofauthority(Saheb –e-Amar)and show them the right path.All my disciples,devotees and believers must take my youngest son in my place and no one has right to dispute in this matter.I handed over to him the library which is in Darbar Sharif.He is the sole owner of this library and he has every right to to take possession of and to use it as I do.I therefore command him to fear from Allah ,to pay heed to his words and to surrender himself fully to Him, to follow the sayings and teachings of our prophet Syedona Hazrat Mohammad (Peace be upon him) and to act upon the traditions of Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Kaunain.In the last,I pray that all praises are for the lord of universe ,regards are for the last holy prophet who is the king of all prophets and his pious Ahle Bait and Ashab and Ghausul Azam who is the Ghaus of earth and sky.

English translation of registered Bengali wasiyatnama (will) of His Holiness Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri widely known as Qutbe Bangala in favour of his sajjadanashin Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri.

His Holiness Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri widely known as Qutbe Bangala has also executed a registered Wasiyatnama in Bengali in favour of his Sajjadanashin Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri.He has done this so that his Sajjadanashin and successor do not feel any inconvenience in this foul smelling world.By executing the said registered wasiyatnama Hazrat Syedona Qutbe Bangala infact has left no stone unturned to uproot the unreasonable demand or absurd claim by anybody in future against his Sajjadanashin and Successor Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri .In the said wasiyatnama Hazrat Qutbe Bangala has said.

You (Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri) are the most auspicious ,fortunate,virtuous,righteous,worthy ,God fearing,obedient, service rendereing and pious among all my sons and you are rendering your full hearted services to me for my pleasure and happiness throughout the days and nights. From your childhood when you was just ten years of age I thought you both the worldly religious knowledge as well as celestial and spiritual knowledges and have made you practise Reazat (the step wise religious mystic exercises) and Chillakoshi ( forty day mystic seclusion for mystic communion) according to the tradition of Quaderia,Mehria ,Murshedia order.By the grace of Allah you have obtained the degrees of worldly religious education with distinction such as “Alim”, “Fazil”, “Mumtazul Mohaddethin” and “Momtazul Foqaha” and by the grace of Allah you have proved yourself a great genious in the field of education.I have given the sanad of Hadith ( the seal of authentication of prophetic tradition)to you by the method of Quera- atan Wa sama- atan (by the method of uttering and hearing).Similarly you have received from me spiritual education and training. Similarly you have received from me the illumination of the unexpressable delighted spirit of celestial and spiritual knowledge and after completing all these religious practices,you have peformed Baiyat (Oath of allegiance)on my hand and became my murid(disciple) and also you have acquired successfully the education of sufism and suluk (knowledge of mystic initiation and wisdom)under my supervision. After observing your God fearing,devoutness, piousness,sincerity, devotion towards Allah and your thirst to search for Allah,I prayed to the Almighty Allah whereby I received heavenly order from Allah Rabbul Alemin, his derest holy prophet Syedona Rahmatullil Alemin Hazrat Mohammad ( Peace be upon him) and his most beloved Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam (R.A) in which they dictated me to nominate and appoint you as my successor and person in religious chajir i.e.,

Janeshin, Gaddinashin and Sajjadanashin and thus I appointed you my Janeshin, Gaddinashin and Sajjadanashin according to the command of Allah,permission of Holy prophet (Peace be upon him) and the consent of Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam .I have declared by my own tongue and announced it every year in front of thousands of disciples ,devotees and followers at the occasion of holy annual Urs Sharif at Khankah Sharif Midnapore.I have written by my own hand Khilafat Nama and Sajjadanashini Nama (Deed of vicegerency and succesorship) in Arabic in your favour regarding your appointment as my only Sajjada Nashin and announced the fact for all concerned in every occasion of religious meet and gathering in every part of Bengal as well as Midnapore Khankah Sharif and Darbar Sharif Kolkata that I have made you my Sajjada Nashin (Successor) and gave you permission to take baiyet (oath of allegiance) according to the tradition of Quaderia ,Razzaqia ,Mehria Murshedia orders and also three remaining orders of Chistia,Suharwardia and Naqshbandia and nominated and appointed you the Sajjadanashin of Khankah Sharif e Quaderia Mehria of Midnapoe,Darbar e Sharif Quaderia of Calcutta Khankah Sharif e Quaderia Husainia of Pyardanga Midnapoe, I have given you the permission and Khilafat to take baiyet (oath of allegiancre) according to the holy Quaderia older.

Wheeas you are being my SAJJADANASHIN (Successor) it is my responsibility to write a wasiatnama (will ) inyour favour so that in my absence nobody can create any trouble ,problem or difficulties whatsoever in future as such I herewith give in writing all of my wills and desires which you will follow perfectly and thus you will render peace to my soul and will followe my footsteps which I used to practise in my daily life.May Allah by the grace ( Sadqa)of his dearest prophet (Peace be upon him) and his beloived Huzur Ghous Pak let you graciously allow to make you move in the perfect path of righteousness of life.Amin Summa Amin.

I do hereby will (Wasiyat) that you will always absolutely depend and trust on Allah and never depend and trust on human being.I used to trust on Almighty Allah since my schildhood and still I am depending on Him and as such by the sadqa of His dearest prophet Hazrat Mohammad (Peace be upon him ) and his beloved descendent Huzur Ghous pak(R.A.) Allah has graciously pleased to award me the rank of “Mutawakkilin” ( Rank of one who always trust and depend only on Allah the Almighty alone) and as a result all my works have been performing by the grace of Almighty Allah so you will always trust and depend only on Allah.

I do hereby will that you will always give the teaching and education of holy Quaderia order,You will teach the disciples,devotees and followers the devoutness,piety and piousness and will always emphasis them to perform the five basic principles and pillars of Islam i.e.,Kalema(Oath of total obedience of Allah and his holy prophet(Peace be upon him),Namaz(Five time prayers),Roza(The fasting in the month of Ramzan),Haj ( Holy pilgrimage) and Zakat ( The wealth tax payable to poors).

I do hereby will that Darbar Sharif will never be partitioned,apportioned or divided into parts because the muridans (disciples)have firmly established Darbar Sharif - e-Quaderi.This Darbar Sharif is not set up for partition and distribution but for the establishment as memorial of Quaderi mission.You will take seat in the place inside Darbar Sharif Where I take my seat because you are my Sajjadanashin.

I do hereby will that you will conduct my Namaz-e-Janaza (Funeral prayer for me which is to be prayed at the the time when I shall pass away from this mortal world to the immortal world) because you are my Janeshin and Gaddinashin.(Part and parcel of my spiritual heart beat). I do hereby will that you will sit in the Hujra Sharif (Special room of Syedona Aala Huzur Pak)of Midnapore Khankah Sharif where I sit.You will sit in the Gaddi Pak( Our raditional prayer carpet)because you are my Gaddinashin.

I do hereby will that government revenues and taxes of Khankah Sharif Midnapore,Khankah Sharif Pyardanga and the salary of Khadem (attendant) and fuel for illuminating the Mazar Sharif shall be exclusively borne and paid by you.

I do hereby will that you will celebrate and organize the following three Urs Sharifs viz Yazdahum Sharif,(Gyarvin Sharif)of His Holiness Hazrat Syedona Ghausul Azam,the Urs Sharif of Aala Huzur Pak on 16th Muharram and the Urs Sharif of Aala Huzur Pak on 6th Falgun at Khankah Sharif Midnapore every year with great pomp ,grandeur enthusiasm and importance.

I do hereby will that you will obey,observe and follow this precious wasiyatnama (Will)and thus you will please the Almighty Allah,the holy prophet Syedona Hazrat Mohammad (Peace be upon him),Syedona Hazrat Ghausul Azam (R.A.) and me so that you may gain peace and prosperities of this world and hereafter.

I have executed this wasiyatnama (will)for te knowledge and information of all concerned including my sons,daughters,son-in-laws,disciples.devotees and followers.I duly registered the same to enhance its steadiness and confirmation and I executed this wasiyatnama as registered deed.Never it would be changed .Anything against the terms and conditions of this will and its above confirmation can never be happened or established.If anyone else of my sons except you claims as Sajjadanashin (Successor),shall then and there be ignored,denied and declared null and void without any reference.The system of Tarikat (Islamic Oder)is that after a good deal o fair observation the Pir-O-Murshed appoints his Sajjadanashin,Janeshin and this selected desired person can only be the Janeshin i.e. ( the only next successor to the special chair) of Pir-O- Murshed.

Moreover it is necessary to mention that the established principle and decision of Tarikat is that the person who will become the Janeshin to the Pir-O-Mushed must definitely be the murid (disciple) of the said Pir –o- Murshed.Then he will be eligible to become the Sajjadanashin of his Pir-O-Murshed.Among my four sons you are only my murid (disciple).So I have appointed you my Janeshin (Sajjadanashin and Gadinashin).Your first brother, second brother and third brother are not my murid (disciple) and as such any one of them is not eligible for being my Janeshin and so they cannot be or will not be able to become my Janeshin (Sajjadanahin,Khalifa or Nayeb) in any circumstance.

The Mazar sharif (holy shrine) of His Holiness Syedena Hazrat SYED SHAH MEHER ALI AL QUADERI his holiness Syedena Hazrat SYED SHAH MURSHED ALI AL QADERI (a.s.) and his holiness Syedena Hazrat SYED SHAH ER'SHAD ALI AL QADERI(a.s.)....

The following genealogical table 1 shows the paternal side of Syedana Hazrat Ghous-Ul-Azam from the holy Prophet to his father.

Syedona Nabiyana Maulana Rasul e Karim Hazrat Ahmad-E-Mujtaba Muhammad–E-Mustafa(The Holy prophet) (Peace be upon him).
1)Syeda Hazrat Fatima Az-Zahra Khatun-e-Jannat (A.S. married with                           1)Syedona Hazrat Moula e Kayenat Ali bin Abi Talib(A.S.).
(2) Syedona Hazrat Imam Hasan(A.S.),                           2) Syedana Hazrat Imam Husain(a.s.).
3) Syedana Hazrat Syed Imam Hasan Al-Musanna(a.s.).
4) Syedana Hazrat Syed Abdullah Mahaz(a.s.).
5) Syedana Hazrat Syed Musa June (a.s.).
6) Syedana Hazrat Syed Abdullah Sani (a.s.).
7) Syedana Hazrat Syed Musa Sani (a.s.).
8) Syedana Hazrat Syed Dawood (a.s.).
9) Syedana Hazrat Syed Muhammad (a.s.).
10) Syedana Hazrat Syed Ehyya Zahid (a.s.).
11) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Abdullah Al-Jili (a.s.).
12) Syedana Hazrat Abu Saleh Musa Jangi Dost (a.s.) (married with ) Syeda Hazrat Ummal Khair Fatima Sanni [a descendant of Syedana Hazrat Imam Husain]
13) Syedana Hazrat Ghaus-ul-Azam Syed Abu Muhammad Mohi-Uddin Shaikh Abdul Qader Jilani Al Hasani Al Husaini (R.).
14) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Abu Bakr Abdur Razzaque Al-Quadri(a.s.).
15) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Shamsuddin Abu Saleh Nasr Al-Quadri (a.s.).
16) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Ahmed Al-Quadri (a.s.).
17) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Shahabuddin Al-Quadri (a.s.).
18) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Badruddin Al-Quadri (a.s.).
19) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Alauddin Al-Quadri (a.s.).
20) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Qasem-uddin Al-Quadri(a.s.).
21) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Ahmed As-Sani Al-Quadri (a.s.).
22) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Sharfuddin Al-Quadri
23) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Ebrahim Al-Quaderi(a.s.).
24) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Abdul Jalil Al-Quadri (a.s.).
25) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Ahmed As Sa’les Al-Quadri (a.s.).
26) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Hedayat -Ullah Al-Quadri (a.s.).
27) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Umar Mashuq-Ullah Al-Quadri (a.s.).
28) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Abdul Qader Abdullah Aljili Al-Quadri (a.s.).
29) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Zaker Ali Al-Quadri(a.s.) , Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Raushan Ali Al-Quadri(a.s.).
30) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Tufail Ali Al-Qaderi (a.s.).
31) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Meher Ali Al-Qaderi Aala Huzur (a.s.).
32) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Wali Murshed Al-Quadri                           32) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Ali Abdul Qader Shamsul Quader Murshed Ali Al-Quaderi (a.s.).
33)Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Mohiuddin Haroon ur Rashid Al-Quadri                           33) Syedana Hazrat Syed Shah Ershad Ali Al-Quadri
34) Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Gholam Mustafa Hazrat Al-Quadri married with Hazrat Syeda Jariatul Mowla alias Syeda Kaniz Mowla
35) Syedona Hazrat Syed Shah Zalal Murshed Al-Quadri

TABLE II The following genealogical table II shows the maternal side of Syedana Hazrat Ghous-Ul-Azam from the holy Prophet to his mother.

Syedona Nabiyana Maulana Rasul e Karim Hazrat Ahmad-E-Mujtaba Muhammad–E-Mustafa(The Holy prophet) (Peace be upon him).
1)Syeda Hazrat Fatima Az-zahra (s.a) (married with )                           (2) Syedana Hazrat Ali bin Abi Talib(a.s.).
2) Syedana Hazrat Imam Husain (a.s.).
3) Syedana Hazrat Imam Ali Zain-Ul-Abedin (a.s.).
4) Syedana Hazrat Imam Muhammad Al-Baqer (a.s.).
5) Syedana Hazrat Imam Ja’afer As-Sadeque (a.s.).
6) Syedana Hazrat Imam Musa Al-Kazem (a.s.).
7) Syedana Hazrat Imam Ali-Ar-Raza (a.s.).
8) Syedana Hazrat Imam Abi Alauddin Muhammad Al-Jau’wad
9) Syedana Hazrat Kamaluddin E’sa (a.s.).
10) Syedana Hazrat Abul Ata Abdullah (a.s.).
11) Syedana Hazrat Mahmood (a.s.).
12) Syedana Hazrat Jamaluddin (a.s.).
13) Syedana Hazrat Abdullah Sowm’aye (a.s.).
14) Syeda Hazrat Ummal Khair Fatima Sanni(s.a.) married with Syedana Hazrat Abu Saleh Musa Jangi Dost (a.s.).
15) Syedana Hazrat Ghaus-ul-Azam Syed Abu Muhammad Mohi-Uddin Shaikh Abdul Quader Jilani Al Hasani Al Husaini (R.).

Posted by Syeda Tabassum Naz Al-Quadri